What is the meaning of “Feierabend”
When speaking about work with Germans, the word “Feierabend” will soon cross your way. After reading this article, you will know the meaning of this German word and can confidently use it yourself the next time an opportunity arises.
When Germans do “Feierabend”
We have a particular word deeply connected with the working world in German. It is “der Feierabend”. Now, you might wonder what this word means; I will be happy to help you to understand another part of German culture.
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Meaning of “Feierabend”
The word “Feierabend” is a compound noun and consists of the two nouns “die Feier” (the celebration) and “der Abend” (the evening). “Feierabend” means something like “the evening of celebration.”
We can use this German word in different ways. However, they all have the message in common that something is finished or is to be completed.
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“Jetzt haben wir Feierabend!” (Now we finish working)
“Wir machen Feierabend!” (This could mean that you finish working at your job or finish with anything, e.g., studying, painting, or playing)
“Nun ist Feierabend!” (This has to be stopped now! / That’s the last straw!)
Background of this expression
Well, for many people, the time after finishing work is a kind f a reason to celebrate but to be honest, this expression once had another usage. In former times “Feierabend” meant the evening before a holiday (der Feiertag). From this, the meaning of leisure time, free time, or rest time in the evening can be derived, reflecting its modern usage.
Now that you know the meaning of this German word, don’t hesitate to use the word the next time you have a chance, and if you like, you are warmly invited to tell me what you did after your last “Feierabend.”
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