The difference between "als" and "wie" in German
In German, "als" and "wie" are two commonly confused words for learners. Both have diverse meanings, but the confusion often is big when these words are used for making comparisons. Knowing when to use each word correctly is important for speaking and writing German fluently. In this article, I will explain the difference between these words and give you helpful tips to master their usage.
Recommended study materials on the topic:
Worksheet: Comparison with adjectives (incl. answers)
B-Grammar: Practice German grammar (incl. answers)
German self-study book for A1-B1 (incl. answers)
1. What is "als" in German?
Beisdes other usages, the word "als" is used in comparisons of difference, also called comparisons of inequality. You use "als" to compare two things that are not the same. In English, this would usually translate to the word "than."
Key rules for using "als":
Use "als" when saying something is more or less than something else.
"Als" always appears after adjectives or adverbs when showing a difference.
Ich bin größer als du. (I am taller than you.)
Sie läuft schneller als er. (She runs faster than him.)
Das Haus ist teurer als das Auto. (The house is more expensive than the car.)
In each example, "als" is used to indicate a difference in height, speed, or cost.
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2. What is "wie" in German?
Though it is mainly used for asking questions, in comparison, the word "wie" is used to show equality. This means you use "wie" when comparing equal things. In English, this would often translate to "as."
Key Rules for Using "Wie":
Use "wie" when you are comparing two equal things.
"Wie" often appears with "so" or "genauso" (just as) in sentences.
Er ist so groß wie sein Bruder. (He is as tall as his brother.)
Der Kuchen schmeckt genauso gut wie das Eis. (The cake tastes just as good as the ice cream.)
Das Auto ist so teuer wie das Haus. (The car is as expensive as the house.)
In these examples, "wie" shows that two things are being compared as equal in height, taste, or price.
Common mistakes with "als" and "wie"
Many German learners confuse "als" and "wie," especially when translating directly from their native language. For example, in English, you might say, "He is bigger than his brother," but in German, you need to use "als" because it is a comparison of differences.
Er ist größer wie sein Bruder.
(Wrong, because this is a comparison of inequality.)
Er ist größer als sein Bruder.
(Right, "als" is used because it shows inequality.)
Another mistake is using "als" when you should use "wie" for equal comparisons.
Der Kuchen schmeckt besser als das Eis.
(Wrong, if you mean they taste the same.)
Der Kuchen schmeckt genauso gut wie das Eis.
(Right, "wie" is used for equal taste.)
Remember: Use "als" for comparisons of difference, like "than" in English (taller than, faster than), and use "wie" for comparisons of equality, like "as" in English (as tall as, as good as).
After reading this article, I hope you understand clearly when to use "wie" and "als" in German. I also recommend looking into the differences between "als", "wenn", and “wann”.
Bis bald!
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